Wednesday, March 4, 2009

For the girl with the broken smile

First, I was going to name this "Ode to my friend" but i thought maybe it'd be a little much. My second choice was "My declaration of love" which you will agree would have been way less lame and / or cheesy. Finally, I went with an inside joke. If any of our many followers is interested to know what that's about (and I'm looking at you Roger!), just ask and you shall get a reply.

But i digress.

One of the greatest feelings in the world in my humble opinion is to feel like somebody gets you: they get your sense of humour, the get your sadness, they get your craziness and your emotional storms, your bad TV habits and questionable (to some) life choices and even when you're not sure of anything anymore, they still think you're worth a phone call (almost) every day.

And that's no small gift, people.. for me one of those very, very (and i mean very) few people who fit that description just happens to be one of the most fabulous, funny, smart, quick-witted, kind-hearted, brave, thoughtful, fiercely loyal, get-shit-done people you could ever have the fortune of calling your friend.

Since she's not getting anything for her birthday this year (oh, you didn't know? 29 doesn't even deserve a mention), I thought this should be enough sucking up till next year.

This one's for you, capri.
A ta prietena pentru totdeauna,

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